Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki

Catapult Zombie is a premium Super Rare zombie card in PvZH added in Card Swap (PvZH DLC), and he's member of the Hearty class. He costs 5 brains to play and has 3/5 for his stats. His special ability is that when he's destroyed, he crushes the plant in his lane. He corresponds to the Vehicle tribe, due to him being on a vehicle.



Catapult Zombie can be used like a more expensive zombie Guacodile, with the added bonus of completely killing whatever is in it's lane instead of just dealing 4 damage. He also benefits from Mechanic Zombie (PvZH)'s special ability - however, in some cases that's a bad thing due to you wanting a plant to destroy Catapult Zombie.


If the Zombie Hero is beginning to set up with a Catapult Zombie, you should prioritize destroying it as it can become a powerhouse that destroys the plant in its lane. However, several combos can make easy work of it - Winter Squash being one of them (as long as you have no plants in its lane.) If the zombie hero also begins buffing Catapult Zombie, that's usually a sign he may be running a Mechanic Zombie deck to keep it alive.


  • His ability is based off Catapult Zombie's special ability in PvZ1 where he'd eventually run over plants like a Zomboni
  • Catapult Zombie's description is based off of comments on Catapult Zombie on the PvZ wiki, where a user thought it was a coconut and another thought it was an orange or mandarin.