Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki

Beanie is found in [insert game here], obtained in [insert world here] in [insert level here].


Beanie clamps onto a zombie (usually on the head) when stepped on, looking like a beanie when on a zombie's head. It will continuously shrink and enclose on the zombie, eventually squishing the zombie and instantly killing it. If the zombie has armour (excluding headwear), it will destroy the armour first before the zombie. If a boss or gargantuar, it will not kill it. Killing will take a long time and Beanie can be thrown off, but can sometimes be planted on a tile when thrown.


(Coming soon!)

Suburban Almanac Entry[]


Beanie crushes zombie heads, and makes them look fasionable for good measure.

RANGE: It's tile

RECHARGE: Sluggish

Beanie is always updated on fashion, although she never gives up on beanies. They've gone out of style among most plants, to her chagrin.

Plant Food[]

Beanie's plant food is producing 2 of her kind.
